Wednesday, March 23rd, 12:30-1:30 pm PT
Join Canadian researcher and author Jon Parsons in a discussion with Protect our Province BC member Dr. Amy Tan about how Canada’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic amounts to a failure of ethical action.
The pandemic has brought issues with Canada’s governing systems and cultural identity into full view: the lack of collective care and social solidarity as a country has led to responses and decisions that have prioritized the privileged and elite while disproportionately harming multiple communities, including the elderly, racialized, homeless, disabled, medically vulnerable, front line workers, and more.
Jon Parsons has written about these issues in his recently released book, “COVID-19 and Ethics in Canada: The Failure of Common Decency”. He will discuss the reasons behind Canada’s poor response, what this means for Canada as a whole, how this is resulting in wider social unrest, why this is of major concern for Canadians, and what we need to learn from this to be able to handle the key issues of the future, including climate change, Truth and Reconciliation and systemic racism.
Guest speaker: Jon Parsons, Canadian journalist and author with an academic background in literature, resistance studies, disability studies and applied ethics
Facilitator: Dr. Amy Tan, Palliative Care & Family Physician, Clinical Associate Professor, UBC Faculty of Medicine, Protect our Province BC Steering Committee Member